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Dr. Pepper   -   2002/06/25Viewed 103 times this month, last update: 2005/01/08

Almost everyone who knows me, knows that I love Dr. Pepper. Those close to me know that I consume terrific quantities of it, and very little else.
You see, Dr. Pepper tastes good. Really good. Really, really, really good. It also has two very important ingredients: water and caffeine.
Since the story invariably comes up, and usually embarases me, I'll tell it now, and get rid of the anticipation:
When I was a teenager, I drank even more Dr. Pepper than I do now, and I collected the empty two-liter bottles. Over the span of about two years, I filled one side of my wall-length closet with bottles. Uppon recycling them, I got about $50.00.
Today, I do not collect the bottles, I try to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise they start filling up my apartment. But I still, really, really, really.... love Dr. Pepper.

Click Here to view the first 1 comments to this article!

Erik (2002-06-26): Thanks for the concern. You've just joined the large ranks of women who think I don't eat well enough. I'll have you know I ate a full plate of tater-tots for breakfast this morning. They're veggies you know! (If you define 'veggie' to be anything that is not animal or mineral.)

Regina (2002-06-26): It is true the majority of Americans get their servings of vegetables from french fries and iceburg lettuce. Did you really eat all that food? I am not sure if Michael could even eat all that! I bet you had to light alot of matches that night!

Erik (2002-06-26): Hahaha! No, the match-lighting will be later today. I did however, eat all that food. Also, keep in mind, that was only half the potatos that came with the two meals. I couldn't eat the rest.

Jennifer (2004-10-03): Dr.Pepper is the best.

Desiree (2005-01-08): I love Dr Pepper too! I dont get how people who hate it accuse it of containing Prune Juice. Or accuse it of formerly being used as a laxative! You know what i say to those haters? "well Leeches used to be used as mediceine, but that doesnt represent reality! People were just stupid a long time ago. People used to think Coke was a medicine to but that doesnt make it right!" For that matter coffee makes a better laxative.

mizedog (2005-03-04): I used to have a Dr. Pepper clock in the shape of that bottle cap with the "10,2,4" numbers on it. I sold it in a garage sale right before I found out it was worth about $150 bucks to antiques dealers. Typical. Sounds like you have one more often than 10:00, 2:00 and 4:00...

Erik (2005-03-04): Mizedog, not at all, I generally have a Dr. Pepper sometime in the early morning, which takes me the rest of the day to drink! It's just 2 literes instead of 8 ounces!

John Mayer (2006-03-25): Actually, I used to think Dr. Pepper tasted like prunes, too; I got a poorly mixed one at a soda fountain and the flavor of prunes was quite strong. But I liked it, anyhow. After all, my Mom made a great prune cake. And I did suspect that maybe the laxative properties of prune juice had inspired the "Dr." part of the name. Recently on Snopes.com I discovered this was a popular misconception. But it's not that far off; it seems the original flavoring was OTHER dried fruits. I suspect the flavor was changed after Coke introduced cherry-flavored Mr. Pibb; Dr. Pepper hasn't seemed as unique since then, and I suggest it was shifted to a more cherry-like taste to compete. I'd like to find some of the ORIGINAL formual Dr. Pepper, though. BTW, there WAS some justification for early Coke's rep as a tonic, since it contained its namesake cocaine.

John Mayer (2006-03-25): P.S. Leeches are still being used in mainstream medicine to reduce swelling from hematomas.

John Mayer (2006-03-25): And lo and behold: with the internet nothing is impossible. After wishing for the original Dr. Pepper I found a site that promises just that:

Erik (2006-03-25): Cool link, thanks John!

irule101 (2006-05-21): In all my time of drinking Dr. Pepper, I've never tasted prunes

Jennifer (2006-06-22): I lovest thee, thou Dr Pepper thou. Sweet necter of the gods. I have never had the real Dr Pepper (ie with sugar cane instead of fructose). I decided last month to create a page to Dr Pepper on squidoo, so I came across another good link to get the original recipe Dr Pepper. Here it is: http://www.olddocs.com/results.aspx?cat=Drinks&subcat1=Dr+Pepper. Now, if some of you Dr Pepper lovers wouldn't mind taking a look at my page (a collection of Dr Pepper links, for the most part) and letting me know if there is anything else you would like to see there, I would surely appreciate it. Thanks!

Jennifer (2006-06-22): Oh, especially you, John because you clearly know your stuff (and I loved the set up in your truck. All I can say is wow). Plus, I should have spell checked that last entry. It's nectar.

Krim (2007-01-04): Yeah man... I drink alot of Dr Pepper too, I started collecting the cans 2 months ago and I have 400-something now ^^; you guys gotta add me on msn lol Kriminel2@hotmail.com I had no idea there were people that drink as much Dr Pepper as I do -_-

cricman (2007-01-05): I don't know if ya'll have seen it or tasted it, but there is a bottled Dr.Pepper that is made with pure cane sugar and not corn syrup. You can get it in a few locations, but I like to get mine from the Dr.Pepper museum in Dublin, Texas (I live 40 minutes away). They also have a soda fountain that mixes a wicked Dr.Pepper soda!!! Also, I have always considered Dr.Pepper to be the elixir of the Gods, because of it's quasi-medicinal properties.

Erik (2007-01-15): I've been thinking of ordering some from the Dublin museum!

that one guy (2008-03-19): Dr.Pepper rox!!!!!

Silvo (2008-08-03): So i'm not he only Dr.Peppper fan the world... Believe it or not , i even got a tattoo !!!! Greeting from the Netherlands/Europe....

Chuck (2010-05-18): I need parts for my picnic Dr. Pepper cooler

See also: Rants, Late Thoughts: Dr. Pepper Cooler, Milton, In Truck Dr. Pepper, Tonsillectomy, Uvulaectomy and Turbinite Reduction, Some People's Comments


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