Well it's been a rocky last week or so. My main server, centrum, died after more than five years of faithful service. I was somewhat prepared, but not quite ready, with my new server "one". I knew centrum was on it's way out, and so had one setup to take it's place, but I was still playing with different mail server configurations, and had nothing for web. After a day of total downtime, I got mail flowing, but it took me more than a week to make time to get the web sites up. Sorry about that!
The plan is to swap out centrum's guts with a new motherboard, CPU, RAM and disks, and build it out to a new server called "two", which will be as close to a hot standby for one as possible, but who knows when that will happen?
To try to partially make up for the outage, please enjoy the pictures below from my trip to the UCI Arboretum from last Saturday: